Answer to My Question about Uploading An Article to ResearchGate

Well, after a couple of rounds of correspondence with someone at Elsevier's Permissions Helpdesk, I got the answer to the question I posed in my May 26 post. I can only upload my preprint to ResearchGate, not the published article. Since it was written almost 30 years ago, when I was using Word Perfect as my writing and editing software, this obviously is not going to happen. I am fairly certain I no longer have that file anyway. It was probably on a disk (floppy disk, maybe?) that I threw out a few years ago when I changed offices. Since Elsevier never issued the early years of the journal issues electronically, I thought I might have a case. Silly me. This is Elsevier. 

So much for this endeavor. It does raise the perennial issue of long-term accessible storage of digital material. But this is outside my area of expertise. I will concentrate on my sub-field within librarianship instead. An online graduate course I am teaching on information literacy instruction starts today. It will be an intense, but interesting, 6 weeks, as the students explore the theory and techniques of teaching.


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